Francis Miot, Master confectioner and chocolate maker

For Francis Miot, gastronomy is a family affair. His father Albert was trained as a confectioner and chocolatier at the renowned Baudon house, a stone's throw from the castle of Pau.

Her paternal grandparents ran a restaurant in the heart of the old town, and on her mother's side, her grandmother Marie ran a grocery store and gave her a taste for jam. She was a cook for the Paloise bourgeoisie and officiated at the "great extras" of Louis Barthou, Baron Séguier, Sir Lawrence, Baron Rothschild and Miss Hutton, spearhead of the Bearn jet set.
As for François, his grandfather, as a maître d'hôtel, he directed the brigades of the different services.
Born in Pau in 1948, Francis Miot is a self-taught man with a passion for jam and confectionery.
At the age of 20, he was called upon to work with the great chefs of the South-West with whom he forged friendships. In 1985, he was awarded the Grand Prix du jury of the Village Gourmand de Toulouse and the Casserole d'Or of the Salon des Métiers de Bouche.

Sticking to the news and to the fashion he declines new creations with the jam of Vert Galant with the aphrodisiac virtues, the jam of the Teddy bears, witches, jams of kisses and heart of love, mystery of the chief or jam of Curé.

In 1987, his first consecration came with the title of Best Jam Maker in France, followed by 3 World Champion titles. Classified out of the competition, he launches into chocolate and confectionery. Today, Francis Miot is the most successful confectioner in the world.
Presented by the media as the "Pope" of jam, more than 30 kings and heads of state have enjoyed his jams, from Princess Lady Di to François Mitterrand or Jacques Chirac.


The Museum...

Various activities are offered during the visit with a treasure hunt that will plunge the whole family into the heart of the 10 themed areas of the museum.
A surprising collection of objects gathered by the chef confiturier during more than 20 years is proposed.
Children will be delighted to meet friendly characters such as the famous Jam Witch who will reveal her greatest gourmet manufacturing secrets.
In the heart of the workshops, you will discover the recipes and manufacturing processes of the delicacies thanks to an explanatory film and will observe the whole team of the Féerie Gourmande working around you. You will of course be able to savor delicious specialties and you will be impressed to discover magnificent sculptures in chocolate and sugar, the most prestigious being without any doubt the one of the chief chocolatier who dominates the workshop from the top of his 3 meters for a weight of 6 200 kg!


Chic and polite...
Among Francis Miot's specialties: les Coucougnettes du Vert Galant, Tétons de Margot, Galipettes, Kama-Cao chocolate, Golos-Golos, Cul Cul la praline, or other "Couilles du Pape" candied or in jam, and recently the small Gâteriz, ... 

With more than 5000 points of sales, his delights are present in the most beautiful palaces of the world of Dubai, China, Russia, Japan, United States, and of the majority of the European countries.
Jean Miot passed away on November 20, 2015.



Féérie Gourmande

Musée & Boutique

Rond Point d'Uzos

64110 Uzos
Tél. : 05 59 35 05 56


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To go further....

Quatre saisons de confitures en 15

Surnommé le « Pape » de la confiture, Francis Miot a rassemblé les meilleures recettes de ses émissions de radio sur France Bleu dans cet ouvrage.
Il nous divulgue avec minutie ses recettes et astuces qui font de lui le Maître Confiturier le plus titré au monde.
Cet ouvrage où se mêlent histoire et gastronomie, fera le bonheur des petits et grands, professionnels des métiers de bouche ou amateurs nostalgiques des confitures de nos grands mères.
52 semaines de confitures insolites

Francis Miot, meilleur confiturier de France, nous étonne encore une fois avec cet ouvrage où se mêlent histoire et gourmandises, légendes et confitures... Tout au long de cet ouvrage, l'artisan confiturier le plus titré de l'hexagone nous donne ses meilleurs conseil pour confectionner de délicieuses gelées et autre régals fruités, les trucs et astuces qui vous seront toujours utiles, le tout accompagné de l'histoire et des vertus des fruits, tout ceci pour réaliser les plus originales et les plus savoureuses des confitures.
Faites vos confitures en deux coups de cuillère à pot

Cet ouvrage, écrit par un confiturier très titré et de renom : Francis Miot, a obtenu plus d'un prix en gastronomie. Vous y trouverez tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour réussir à tous les coups vos confitures, les astuces des meilleurs confituriers et les meilleures recettes qui agrémenteront et feront pétiller vos petits déjeuners. Abricot, ananas, d'Angélique, banane, cassis, cerise, de châtaigne, citron, de citrouille, coing, pomme, fraise, framboise, églantine, groseille, kiwi, lait, etc.. Lancez-vous, il y en pour tous les goûts.

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