The tourmente bell tower is a Lozère construction particularly common in hamlets on Mont Lozère.
It's not necessarily a church tower.
The bell was rung when the elements were unleashed.
Tourmente is the term used to describe the dreaded storms that occur at high altitudes in winter, when snowfalls and gusts of strong winds combine.
Whenever there was a storm, or even when it was foggy, the bells were rung, sometimes day and night, to provide travelers with a sound cue to help them find their way home.
Storm bells sometimes replaced the church.
They are used to ring the Angelus, or to mark events such as births and deaths.
On Mont Lozère, there are five such bell towers, at Oultet, Les Sagnes, Auriac, Serviès and La Fage, located in scattered settlements where the storm could be truly dangerous.
These buildings have been protected as Historic Monuments since 1991.
For hikers, the best way to discover these original tourmente bell towers is to follow the perfectly signposted itinerary which starts at Oultet, leads to Servies, then to Les Sagnes and passes through Auriac before returning to the starting point. The total distance is 18 kms and takes less than 5 hours for good walkers.
As a bonus, you'll be immersed not only in history but also, and above all, in the beautiful panoramas of the Lozère.