The Castle of Crazannes, Chateau du Chat Botté

Classified as a Historic Monument since 1913, Château de Crazannes was built in the 14th century, in 1360, on the site of a former feudal castle, of which the chapel, keep and dry and wet moats remain.

In the 17th century, when it became the property of Jules Gouffier, Comte de Caravase, it inherited the nickname "Château du Chat Botté".

The Comte de Caravaz was an eminent figure who inspired Charles Perrault to create the Marquis de Carabas, Master of Puss in Boots in his famous tale.


A top-of-the-range château

Today, the fully restored and refurbished château nestles in eight hectares of parkland. The Romanesque chapel, keep, moat, dovecote and museum of ancient crafts contribute to the charm of this unspoilt setting.

The 16th-century north facade features flamboyant Gothic sculptures evoking the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, as well as a depiction of two Saracens in arms who, in all likelihood, embody the basic material required for alchemical transmutation. This "stone book" is said to contain the recipe for turning lead into gold.

Behind the facades, sumptuously furnished salons are now open to the public. Guided tours also include an authentic kitchen, a library, a bedroom, a guardroom with its period parapet walk, and an attic with a particularly spectacular roof structure.

The estate also houses a Museum of Ancient Crafts, highlighting traditional trades such as blacksmith, potter and stonecutter.


The Keep

Magnificently restored, this 11th-century defensive tower is an original and authentic family gîte available for rental from April 1 to October 31.

It features three double bedrooms with en-suite shower rooms, a living room, dining room, kitchen, linen room and open terrace with panoramic views over the estate and the Charente river.

A number of famous figures have stayed at the château, including the Black Prince in the 14th century, François 1er, and Pierre Louis de la Rochefoucauld, the last Bishop of Saintes, who lived there in the 18th century.

Tours, rental of reception areas and five bedrooms, organization of weddings, cocktails and seminars, historical events... are all available at Château de Crazannes.



Château de Crazannes

24, rue du Château

17350 Crazannes



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To go further....

Lieux mystérieux en Poitou-Charentes

Charente : églises troglodytiques d'Aubeterre-sur-Dronne et de Gurat, vestiges romains de Chassenon, village de gabarriers de Saint-Simon... Charente-Maritime : château de La Roche-Courbon, carrières et sculptures de Crazannes, trésors cachés des lies de Ré, Oléron et Madame...
Deux-Sèvres : nécropole néolithique de Bougon, mines du roi Chariemagne à Melle, rochers gravés de Saint-Aubin-de-Baubigné, fontaines de Magné...
Vienne : forteresse de Chalopy à Saint-Rémy-sur-Creuse, château hanté de Fougeret, sarcophages de Civaux, dragon de Poitiers...

Partir à la recherche des lieux mystérieux en Poitou-Charentes... quel beau projet ! Mélusine et Gargantua ont guidé nos pas. Il fallait choisir parmi tous les dolmens, les ruines gallo-romaines, les fontaines guérisseuses, les châteaux, les légendes... Nous nous sommes régalés à parcourir les chemins creux à la recherche d'un mégalithe, nous avons espéré y rencontrer aussi la ganipote, un cheval-mallet, un fantôme ou un basilic... Nous avons été émus en pénétrant dans de merveilleuses églises romanes et avons craint comme nos ancêtres les maléfices du Diable...

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