A miraculous spring for a Merovingian princess

The story begins around 615 when Enimie, a Merovingian princess, sister of King Dagobert, of very great beauty, prefers to dedicate her soul to God rather than respond to the advances of her suitors.
Her father Clotaire II ordered her to marry one of his barons.
Enimie took refuge in a small chapel to pray to God to spare her this unwanted union.
The beautiful one was then granted and, suffering from leprosy, found herself disfigured.
Farewell, promises and suitors.
In front of the horrible face of the lady, they went away.
Every night a dream comes to disturb her, a voice advising her to bathe in the miraculous water of the fountain of Burle.
This she did after a long ride, in the hollow of an unknown and uninhabited valley.
She then regained her beauty, which she lost when she wanted to return to her father's house.
After several refreshing swims and several attempts to return, still as ugly as ever, she decided to stay and pray in a cave.
She realized many benefits and miracles and became so famous that a village was established on the spot, the village of Sainte-Enimie.
The Burle fountain is always visible when visiting Sainte-Enimie.
As for our princess, before being canonized, she had to face the Devil at Pas de Soucy.
But this is another legend...


To go further....

Sainte Enimie

Sainte Enimie, princesse mérovingienne

Sur les pentes spectaculaire d'un canyon creusé par les gorges du Tarn, Sainte-Enimie étage ses massives demeures de calcaire au pied d'un ancien monastère bénédictin dont ne subsistent que la chapelle Ste Madeleine et la salle capitulaire
Vie de Sainte Enimie : D'après le poème provençal de Bertran de Marseille, XIIIe siècle

Enimie est la pieuse fille du roi mérovingien Clovis, et sœur de Dagobert. Destinée au mariage contre son gré, elle implore le Seigneur de lui venir en aide. Aussitôt elle devient lépreuse, ce qui fait fuir ses prétendants. Des années plus tard, un ange miséricordieux lui ordonner d'aller en Gévaudan se baigner dans une certaine fontaine miraculeuse qui la guérira. Elle se rend à Burla, scellant ainsi son destin et celui de cette région du Causse de Sauveterre
Bertran de Marseille: La Vie de Sainte Enimie: Poeme Provencal du XIII Siecle

HISTOIRE DE SAINTE ÉNIMIE, princesse royale mérovingienne

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