Montmorillon, City of Art and History

Located about 50 kilometers south-east of Poitiers and 80 kilometers north of Limoges and bathed by the Gartempe river, Montmorillon is at the junction of the Vienne, Indre and Haute-Vienne rivers.
The presence of the Monts de Blond to the north of the Haute-Vienne protects it from the colder climate of the Massif Central by giving it a milder oceanic climate.
Montmorillon is first of all famous for its City of Writing and Book Trade located in the medieval district of Le Brouard. It has also become a center of excellence, as much by the diversity of the booksellers and specialists of the ancient book as by the presence of many craftsmen of the book trade: calligrapher, illustrator,...
Montmorillon is also one of the capitals of the macaroon. It houses the Almond and Macaroon Museum.
Its heritage also does not leave one indifferent and in particular the Maison Dieu, the Notre-Dame church, the Sainte-Catherine crypt, the Octagon unique in Europe, the old bridge, the Old Palace...
The town is also labeled "City of Art and History" and winner of the "Flower Towns and Villages" award.

Tourist Office
2, place du Maréchal Leclerc,
86500 Montmorillon
Tel/Fax :


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To go further....

Montmorillon, ma ville

Oh, Montmorillon, comme une respiration
Je suis de ton sang, de ton ciel, de ta rivière,
Je t’ai trompé avec le Berry, ses lumières
Mais je reviendrai mourir tout près de ton mont.

Quelques vers parmi tant d’autres de ce très beau recueil pour vous faire sentir la joie et l’émotion qui transpirent quand un poète comme Jean Piet se retourne sur ces années d’enfance ; surtout quand cette enfance s’est passée dans une petite ville aussi charmante que Montmorillon, que j’ai appris à apprécier au cours de nombreux voyages entre ma Provence natale et ma Bretagne d’adoption...

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Montmorillon, City of Art and History

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