At Mas-d'Azil, the cave that can be visited by car

The history of the cave of Mas-d'Azil is long and complex.
Easily identifiable site, it has known an astonishing continuity of occupation and frequentation.
The origin of the village is closely linked to this natural shelter, the cave is necessarily part of the historical past of Mas-d'Azil.
The fortified village, since the 13th century, is barely one kilometre away.
This shelter seems to have, over the ages, played a protective role during difficult and troubled times.
In the 19th century, the construction of a road inside the cave linked the cave to the village.
Then the cave disappears, we do not hear about it anymore until the middle of the 19th century.
It is at this time that all sorts of legends and beliefs appear.
The cave would have the reputation of sheltering evil spirits, ghosts and causing fear.

These beliefs disappeared in the second half of the 19th century, with the increased use of the cave due to the construction of the new route of the road inside the tunnel.
Several legends are linked to the long mysterious and disturbing site for the inhabitants of the village.

Among the legends, three of the most famous are the "Devil's Bridge", the "Impatient Bride" and "Las Incantadas".
The essential complement to your visit to the Cave of Mas-d'Azil is the Museum of Prehistory. Also worth seeing is the Calvary, not far from the cave.


Cave of Mas-d'Azil

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To go further....

Grotte de L'Ariege: Grotte de Niaux, Grotte Du Mas-D'Azil, Grotte Des Trois-Freres, Grotte de Lombrives, Grotte de Bedeilhac

La galerie Breuil de la grotte du Mas d'Azil

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