In Moncrabeau, the truth if I lie...

Every year, on the first Sunday of August, in a world-famous place, a small town in Albret elects its King or Queen of liars with a spoonful of salt.

Some come from Belgium, from Canada... to tell their story, to sit their royal posterior on the famous liar's chair and to win the title

Moncrabeau is the land of Albret.
It is the land of plums and vines and it is also the land of lies, as we call them here.

The inhabitants of Moncrabeau are proud to be the most liars of all the Gascons.
The tradition is very old since an Academy of Liars exists since 1748.
The academy consists of 40 members.
The festival elects each year the King of Liars.
Each of the candidates comes to sit, in turn on a stone throne and tells his little or big lie, after having pronounced the following sentence: "I swear to disguise the truth, nothing but the truth, the whole truth! "
When all the stories have been heard, the jury votes and each member takes a spoonful of salt.
The salt given to each candidate is weighed and the winner is proclaimed King of the Year.
You must also visit Moncrabeau and its streets through the Liar's Tour for adults and children. A unique circuit in the world since you will discover the famous Liar's chair but also the history of Fujiyo Lapuce, King Louis XVI's computer scientist, the Cocu Saute street and its Monument to the Unknown Cocu, the Mentherie gate where the skull of Henri IV as a child is preserved in the old royal prison of the 16th century...


Academy of Liars

Street Cocu Saute,
47600 Moncrabeau

Claude Carlesso (Président) : 05 53 97 32 25
Denis Delfour (Vice-président) : 06 48 22 40 79


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