Claviers, perched village...

Claviers is a Provencal village in the Var highlands, built on a rocky ridge. Preserved, it is surrounded by hills planted with olive trees and crowned by forests of green oaks and pines. It is not lacking in attractions with its steep streets, its small squares and its covered passages symbolizing the rhythms of Provencal life in the past.

Built in an amphitheater, dominating the Riou valley, it does not lack attractions with its steep and typical alleys with its old houses with sculpted doors and stone porches and semicircular arches, its small squares and covered passages...


A bit of history...

There are traces of the Neolithic and Gallo-Roman periods in Claviers.

As early as 1026, the existence of a feudal castrum and a chapel, the village being surrounded by 1000 meters of ramparts is proven.

In the 11th century, Isnard de Claviers donated his lordship to the provosts of Fréjus who kept the village until the Revolution.

In the 13th century, the village having become too small, a new church was built outside the ramparts: the current parish church.

In 1835, the Clavésiens numbered 1150 and their resources came from agriculture (vineyards and olive trees). There were many craftsmen: the village had six shoemakers, a shoe factory, two vermicelleries and seven olive oil factories, two oil factories, a potter, a tile factory, four weavers, two clothiers and four bakers.

The rural exodus began at the beginning of the 20th century.

Claviers was a Mecca of the Resistance and has a monument dedicated to the resistance fighters of the Second World War during the liberation of Provence in August 1944.


To see... and to visit

Going up a calade, you arrive at the 11th century seigniorial chapel of Saint-Sylvestre which is currently used as an exhibition space. The XIIIth century Saint-Sylvestre church has beautiful listed furniture.

Inside, the two unequal naves, the main nave from the 13th century and the small nave, called the Holy Rosary from the 17th century, are remarkable,

The square bell tower, originally on the right and rebuilt on the left in 1802. The bell tower was installed in 1808, its three bells are from 1693, 1758 and 1838. The clock was changed in 1900.

The church is also home to a rich collection of furniture protected as historical monuments.

Also to be seen, along the small streets, is the communal washhouse dating from 1899.

Claviers is located at the crossroads of two hiking routes marked out by the Var department.

The "route des gorges" allows you to discover the deep gorges of the Nartuby and the glowing gorges of Pennafort.

The "route des villages perchés de l'Est Varois" invites you to explore the summits with magnificent views of the lake of Saint Cassien not far from the village of Claviers.


Town hall of Claviers

Place du 8 mai 1945 - 83830 Claviers

Phone : 04 94 76 62 07

Fax : 04 94 76 75 74




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