The Château de Calberte or Château de saint-Pierre, restored by a family of enthusiasts

Mentioned as early as 1092, located in the commune of Saint-Germain-de-Calberte, in Lozère, the castle of Calberte was built in the 11th century, on a rocky outcrop at an altitude of more than 400 meters.

Controlled in turn by the families of Anduze and Budos, it depended on the jurisdiction of the castle of Portes (Gard).

Abandoned at the end of the 14th century or at the beginning of the 15th century, it has remained forgotten until today. Nobody knew anymore that Saint-Germain-de-Calberte took its name from the ruins clinging to a rocky outcrop in its valley.

For the XXth century, it was the Saint-Pierre castle, from the name of the castral chapel, which remained in use after its destruction before being abandoned in its turn from the XIVth century.

The castle is composed of several buildings allowing to discover on the site a large keep of eleven meters of the XIIth century, a rectangular dwelling older and decorated with merlons and battlements in the XIVth century, four outbuildings, a round tower or a chapel.


The restoration

Owned by the Darnas family, it has been the object, since 1965, of a family restoration carried out by Daniel Darnas, his wife and children.

This restoration was able to revive a set that history had condemned. The realization of archaeological excavations in the houses of the deserted village which surround it makes it possible to supplement the very incomplete approach that the texts deliver to us.

This restoration had a double advantage. On the one hand, it has allowed an overall approach to the different buildings that are organized around the seigneurial residence, often invisible because they are buried under meters of fill. On the other hand, a study of the details of architectural design could be carried out very precisely.

Open to the public during the summer season, it unveils an exhibition that traces the restoration work that took place over more than forty years, as well as the archaeological finds made on site. The current owner, a goldsmith and chiseller, also presents his works.



Castle of Calberte

48370 Saint-Germain-de-Calberte
tel: 04 -


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To go further....


Après avoir présenté le patrimoine religieux (dans Itinéraire roman en Cévennes) et le patrimoine castral (dans Châteaux médiévaux en Cévennes), il était logique, pour ce troisième (et dernier!) torne, d'aborder le patrimoine vernaculaire à la même époque et dans la même zone géographique de la Cévenne des Hautes Vallées des Gardons. Si l'on connaît assez bien l'Histoire des Cévennes depuis la Réforme, force est de constater que l'infinie richesse patrimoniale de l'époque médiévale est bien moins étudiée et, donc, connue. Ce livre veut combler les lacunes en s'attachant à redécouvrir l'architecture et la fonction de l'habitat aussi bien que du bâti utilitaire au Moyen Age. Fruit d'un long et difficile travail de recherches sur le terrain et dans les documents historiques, l'auteure fait partager sa profonde connaissance du sujet pour tenter de recomposer l'activité économique et sociale au Moyen Age. Tâche d'autant plus difficile que, contrairement aux édifices religieux et castraux, qui ont généralement mieux traversé le temps, le patrimoine vernaculaire a beaucoup été abandonné, détruit ou remodelé et qu'il convient de savoir "lire" et analyser tous les indices. Habiter en Cévennes au Moyen Age boucle ainsi un cycle en dressant une fresque inédite du patrimoine médiéval cévenol. Il est remarquablement et précisément illustré de photos qui révèlent la grande sensibilité du photographe pour ce beau Païs. Un CD audio, enregistré en l'église de St Flour du Pompidou par le violoniste Frédéric Pélassy, est inclus dans le livre et offre une interprétation magistrale des Sonates n° 1 et 2 et de la Partita n°l. Il s'agit de la suite de l'enregistrement inclus dans Châteaux médiévaux en Cévennes pour l'intégrale des Sonates et Partitas de J-S Bach.

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