Narbo Via, the new museum of ancient Narbonne

Long delayed, confinement obliges, Narbo Via, the new museum dedicated to ancient Narbonne opened its doors on May 19, 2021.

Narbo Via brings together three places, three stories: the Narbo Via museum, the underground galleries of the Horreum and the archaeological site-museum of Amphoralis.

This museum offers a wide range of experiences through a varied cultural program: discovery tours of the 1,000 works and objects in the permanent exhibition, temporary exhibitions, workshops, film screenings, festive evenings, behind-the-scenes tours and museum reserves, visits to excavation sites in the area, etc.


An exceptional masterpiece

The museum houses a masterpiece, the monumental lapidary wall, an imposing set of 760 stone blocks.

This wall is in perpetual evolution since a robot allows to alternate the blocks exposed and explained to the public.

"This allows us to present a very large number of blocks and to present some of them in greater depth, and at the same time to make these collections accessible for research and examination by researchers," explains Ambroise Lassalle, curator at the Narbo Via museum.

The museum was designed by the firm of the renowned British architect Norman Foster, who among other things designed the Millau Viaduct.


Ancient collections

Narbo Via is also a center of archaeological research with a restoration workshop (ceramics, mosaics, painted plaster, stone fragments) and a study room for the collections and archaeological furniture, and an auditorium of 200 seats that hosts conferences and symposiums.

This museum finally allows to present in a unique place the whole of the ancient collections of Narbonne, previously dispersed.

"These collections were previously presented in two museums and in 4 different reserves. We also had pieces from recent archaeological excavations that could not be shown. One of the objectives was to gather all this heritage in a new place and above all to give a strong visibility to this heritage and to the Roman identity of the city. "concludes Ambroise Lassalle.


Its gardens, with its events and outdoor shows, its bookshop and its restaurant complete the vocation of this place of life open to the city.



EPCC Narbo Via

50, avenue de Gruissan,

newly opened 2, avenue André Mècle
11100 Narbonne

Tel: 04 68 90 28 90


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To go further....

Veni, Vedi...bâti !: De la pierre au musée

Le nouveau musée Narbo Via a été conçu pour restituer à l’agglomération actuelle la mémoire de la grande cité antique qu’elle fut : première colonie romaine en terre gauloise, capitale de la région Narbonnaise, port de commerce actif ouvert sur tout le monde méditerranéen. De ce passé glorieux, aucun monument ne subsiste. Il nous a été transmis par les sources écrites, les fouilles, et surtout par une grande quantité d’éléments architecturaux utilisés en remploi dans la ville tout au long de son histoire. L'exposition interroge sur la notion de « frag
Narbo Via

L'agence internationale Foster + Partners, à travers le projet architectural a souhaité créer un bâtiment axé autour de la pièce maitresse du musée : une collection de plus de 1 000 blocs funéraires, formant une barrière naturelle au coeur de l'édifice qui sépare les galeries publiques des espaces plus privés. Le musée des antiquités de Narbonne, sera le nouveau point de repère de l'entrée de ville de Narbonne.
Narbo Via

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