The Castle of Bonaguil, a unique ensemble in Europe, with gigantic proportions.

A 13th, 15th, 16th and 18th century fortified castle, classified as a Historic Monument, Bonaguil Castle is located in the Lot-et-Garonne region, on the border with the Lot and a stone's throw from the Dordogne.
It is only 2 hours from Bordeaux and Toulouse, 1 hour from Agen, Cahors and Sarlat.

In the heart of the Lot Valley, it's close to the "Most Beautiful Villages in France" of Tournon d'Agenais, Penne d'Agenais, Monflanquin, Villeréal and Pujols.
From the top of its rocky spur, it dominates the valley and the medieval village of the same name and forms a unique ensemble in Europe of gigantic proportions and in a remarkable state of conservation.

Bonaguil, castle of the "Bonne Aiguille" (Good Needle)
"The first known document testifying to the existence of Bonaguil dates from 1271 and mentions the taking possession of the Agenais by Philip III the Bold, King of France.
The fortress is then embellished with a simple stone tower, the base of the present keep. Towards the beginning of the 15th century, a second construction campaign gave it its final appearance. A first modest dwelling was added.
Then the powerful Bérenger de Roquefeuil (1448-1530), from the aristocracy of Quercy and Rouergue, will devote more than thirty years of his life to make Bonaguil the fortress of legend that it is today.
He endowed the fortress with an enormous barbican, 6 towers, one of which is among the most beautiful in the country, seven drawbridges, a chicane, a pillbox, gunboats and a sparrow tower pierced with loopholes for an even more incisive defence of the ditches.
The fortress was redesigned in the second half of the 18th century by Marguerite de Fumel, who created an esplanade, removed the drawbridges and rearranged the seigneurial apartments to suit modern tastes.
She died shortly before the French Revolution, which proved to be dramatic for the castle. Indeed, a law of 1793 gives the order to demolish the buildings up to the main building and decapitate the towers. Frames and wood were removed and the residence was pillaged and then abandoned to its sad fate".
In 1860 the commune of Fumel bought Bonaguil and in 1862 it was classified as a Historic Monument. It still continues to this day a real action of patronage opening Bonaguil to the many visitors who pass through every year.

Numerous events
Numerous activities are offered to young and old all year round. Medieval Wednesdays, manual workshops, treasure hunts, theatrical nocturnes, Medieval, Theatre Festival ...


The Château is open daily from 10am to 6pm (including public holidays).

Bonaguil Castle
Fumel Town Hall
47500 Fumel
Tel : 05 53 71 90 33 and 05 53 41 90 71

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To go further....

Le château de Bonaguil en Agenais - Description et histoire

Bonaguil ou le Château fou

Il était une fois une petite paysanne, née en 1920, à Bonaguil (Lot-et-Garonne) et vivant là au pied d'un château fort en ruine. Son père "guidait" les rares visiteurs du monument. Celui-ci, pour la petite fille comme pour les autres enfants du villages, n'était rien qu'un terrain de jeu. Sauf qu'en grandissant, elle remplaçait souvent son père, d'une façon que les touristes d'alors n'ont pas oubliée! Il y eut la guerre et donc "un château de guerre", poste de surveillance pour les maquisards. Après la Libération, il servit aux réunions dominicales des auberges de jeunesse. Pour satisfaire la curiosité de ses amis touchant ces ruines romantiques, Fernande commença de se documenter. Ainsi prit corps le grand amour. Il allait en résulter une extraordinaire aventure psychologique, intellectuelle, morale, voire "mystique". Devenue conservateur du château de Bonaguil en 1952, attirant des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs qui, fascinés, jouaient avec elle une sorte de psychodrame, s'identifiant au singulier constructeur de cette forteresse anachronique, superbe et inutile, le baron Béranger de Roquefeuil, jusqu'à frôler la même folie suicidaire, Fernande Costes, en 1973, fut "dépossédée" par une conjuration de jalousies, de "réalismes" à courte vue et de malentendus locaux.

Pour Une Visite Du Château De Bonaguil



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