Roussillon in Provence, an atypical and beautiful village, all ochre decorated

Famous throughout the world for the 18 shades of red ochre of its Fairy Valley and the tormented relief of its ancient quarries, Roussillon in Provence Roussillon, a village located in the heart of the Luberon, is one of the most beautiful villages in France. It is also the most famous ochre deposit in Europe.

To visit Roussillon en Provence is to stroll in its alleys, to take its stairs, to admire its houses.

Under the belfry of the beautiful clock tower, a vaulted passage allows you to enter the old part of the village which offers an exceptional unity. Almost all the houses have been restored and their high façades, coated in shades of ochre ranging from yellow to dark red, blend remarkably into the site. The town hall and the residence opposite it, very beautiful, are from the 18th century.

The Romanesque church, rebuilt in the 16th century, contains rare 17th century baptismal fonts.

Continuing the visit, you will be able to admire works of art, small artists as well as pretty shops.

In Roussillon in Provence, ochre is everywhere. In the " Sentier des Ocres " which will lead you to the " Chaussée des Géants ". You should also see the Pasquier square, the square of the Abbot Avon, also called "le dessous du four", "Pignotte", the Forge, the Belfry, the Saint-Michel church and the Town Hall square, the Post Office square where a fountain used to water the cattle and the Naïades fountain...

Finally, one cannot forget the Conservatory of Ochre and Colour located in the former Mathieu ochre factory.

The inhabitants still speak of the tragic legend of the love of Dame Sermonde whose bloody body, after she threw herself from the top of the Castrum, would have colored forever the lands of Roussillon, a spring gushing out where her body ended its fall...


Roussillon en Provence Tourist Office

Place de la Poste,

84220 Roussillon in Provence

Phone : 04 90 05 60 25 ?


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To go further....

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