e Musée paysan d'Emile, the home of yesteryear in the heart...

Founded in Espaon in the Gers by Emile Castex, the Musée paysan d'Emile has been open to the public since June1, 1990.

It then moved to Simorre, near the fortified church, and kept the name of its founder.

This on-site museum features some 2,500 objects, household utensils, tools and documents, testifying to the daily life of Gascony's peasants at the beginning of the last century, including a faithfully reconstructed bedroom and kitchen.

Classified by theme and spread over nine rooms and three outdoor areas, they are presented with the help of draawings, poems and explanatory texts by Emile Castex.

Over 50 themes are covered, from tools to machines, from family life to the fields.

The collections are divided into departments, each with its own history: at the heart of the home and daily life, clothes and shoes, the stable and livestock...

Each room is a representation or reconstruction of a period scene with its own objects and accessories: bedroom, kitchen, wedding dress, laundry...

A guided tour in Gascon is available on request.

The Musée Paysan d'Emile also offers a touring version, available all year round to potentially interested organizations: retirement homes, elementary school, secondary schools, media libraries, social centers, etc.

For groups, the museum can offer personalized tours, complemented by a quill-writing workshop, for example.



Emile's Farming Museum

Avenue de la Bourdette,

32420 Simorre

Tel: 05 62 62 36 64

: 06 78 30 99 12




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