Gassin, the village of witches...

At least this is what the legend passed down over the centuries by word of mouth says.
It all began a long time ago, when the plague ravaged the local population. The inhabitants of Gassin, unharmed, left their village, clinging to a rocky python, to take refuge in more salubrious places.
A very old peasant woman, hardly afraid of the epidemic or death, came back every evening to give a little bit of life to the village.
With two ambitions, to prevent ill-intentioned vagrants from looting vacant houses but also to give the impression that her village remained lively.
Every evening, she went from house to house lighting a wood fire in each hearth...
To do so, she carried a handful of embers in her palms without ever getting burned.
It was then easy and "reasonable" to talk about witchcraft and therefore about witches...


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