The unusual tribute to Coluche

Coluche was on his motorcycle on the road between Cannes and Opio in the Var, when he took his leave.

Michel Moulière, the president of the association "Pays Viganais Animation" recalls that the Festival of Laughing Artists was born in 1986.

Tragic coincidence, it is this year that occurs the fatal accident of the one who wore the most famous overalls of France.

And this is where the story of the statue created by a young artist, Christian Zenere, begins. The statue was supposed to be installed not far from the place where Coluche had his accident, near Mougins, but the local authorities decided otherwise.

The organizers of the Festival of Laughing Artists, in collaboration with the municipality of Le Vigan, then administered by Alain Journet, proposed to Christian Zenere to host the stone tribute he had just created.

Thus, the statue was offered to the city and thus became the emblematic image of the Festival of Laughter Artists of Le Vigan.

The statue will be installed in the private garden of the Caisse d'Epargne.


This is the story of a guy

Alternately denigrated, feared and admired, Coluche became the major provocateur of the 1980s, daring to combine rudeness and strong ideas. Each of his television and radio appearances was a popular success.

On television and radio, he fights against all forms of censorship, the language of wood and defends the opening of the spirits and the demystification of racism, politics, the media, advertising or journalism "à la française".

His creativity, his mastery of the media and the relevance of the themes he deals with as well as his personal investment in a humanitarian cause, "Les Restos du Cœur", outlast Coluche.

He remains a major character in the French popular imagination.


Other Coluche "places" in France

Place Coluche in Paris, between rue d'Alésia and rue de Tolbiac, Place Coluche in Blotzheim, Parc Michel-Colucci in Vitrolles and Chenôve, Square Coluche in Besançon, Rue Coluche in Maizières-lès-Metz, Annœullin, Cherbourg-Octeville, Châtellerault and Noyal-Chatillon-sur-Seiche, Rue Michel-Colucci in Ecuelles and "Le Clos des Mésange" in Bazincourt-sur-Epte, Rue Michel-Colucci dit Coluche in Montpellier, Rue Michel-Colucci dit Coluche in Chambly (Oise), Avenue Coluche in Cajarc, Avenue Michel-Colucci in Vauréal, Espace Coluche in Clichy, Allée Michel-Colucci in Bazincourt-sur-Epte, Place Michel-Colucci in Cogolin.



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To go further....

30 Ans Déjà l'Intégrale

Coluche-Coffret 5 Films : Tchao Pantin + Inspecteur La Bavure + Deux Heures Moins Le Quart Avant Jésus-Christ + Banzaï + La Femme de Mon pote

Le Dictionnaire

Le dictionnaire le plus décalé de France.
Ouvrage déjanté contenant l'ensemble des mots d'une langue. Truculente et bien pendue, celle de Coluche est plus vivante que jamais. Témoin, ce florilège de verbes hauts, d'expressions populaires et de noms pas toujours propres. Histoire de pimenter le dictionnaire le plus décalé de France, des tests, des astuces et des interludes. En un mot comme en cent : Coluche. Le Dictionnaire, le meilleur moyen d'enrichir votre vocabulaire.

ALCOOLIQUE n. m., n. f., adj.
Un alcoolique, c'est quelqu'un que vous n'aimez pas et qui boit autant que vous.
COLUCHISTE n. m., n. f., adj.
Politiquement, je suis coluchiste et des comme moi, on est deux, mais l'autre veut pas dire son nom.
GYNÉCOLOGUE n. m., n. f.
Gynécologue, c'est un métier pour les sourds : y a rien à entendre et tu peux lire sur les lèvres.
Le mariage, c'est souvent le coup de foudre. On s'est plu, on s'est plu, on s'est plu, puis à la fin on sait plus !
SUCCÈS n. m.
Le succès, faut pas croire, c'est une question de chance, tous les ratés vous le diront.
Voler, c'est quand on a trouvé un objet avant qu'il soit perdu.

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