Carennac, medieval city with multiple charms

Carennac is a medieval city classified as one of the most beautiful villages in France.
It is also a member of the Clunisian sites. It must be said that it was built around a 12th century Cluniac priory, dedicated to Saint-Sernin.
The city is home to several wonders of religious art such as the tympanum of the church of Saint-Pierre representing Christ in majesty while the cloister contains a tomb, carved life-size and of rare perfection.
Carennac can also boast a castle, the Château des Doyens, where according to some François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, dean of the priory and future archbishop of Cambrai, wrote "Les aventures de Télémaque" for the Duke of Burgundy.
A title that comes as no surprise, since opposite Carennac is the island of Télémaque.
Another island is also visible from the city, Calypso Island.
For the record, this book, "The Adventures of Telemachus" earned Fénelon to be banned from the court, some see it as a very virulent criticism of the policy conducted by Louis XIV.
The castle has now become a museum, the Heritage Area of the Land of Art and History of the Dordogne valley of the Lot.
Carennac houses a second museum, the Museum of Aromas.


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Carennac en Quercy

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Au revoir Carennac, charmant petit village, jamais je n’oublierai les beaux jours endormis sous le ciel enchanteur de tes côteaux fleuris, tes vieux murs écroulés, vestiges d’un autre âge où le lierre amoureux s’accroche en maints lacis, tes sentes et tes prés, tes saules, ton rivage, tes rochers lézardés et ton Causse sauvage gagné par la torpeur des étés infinis. Jamais, jamais non plus je n’oublierai l’image, où revit le passé comme un rêve attachant, de ton clocher bleuté par le soleil couchant... Au revoir Carennac, charmant petit village, je n’oublierai jamais ton tranquille bonheur, chez toi je veux mourir avec mon âme sœur.

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