When Jean Marais was climbing the towers of the Château de Val

The Château de Val belongs to the town of Bort-les-Orgues, in Corrèze, while being located in the Cantal, in the commune of Lanobre.

Built in the 15th century, on a 30m rock, the castle is a fortress flanked by six towers crowned with machicolation and topped with pepperpot roofs.

Its setting is so exceptional that it has become one of the most famous sites in the region, especially after the flooding of the valley. Saved from "drowning" it is now nestled on a small peninsula on the edge of the lake.

The film " Le Capitan " with Jean Marais was shot within its walls, highlighting the towers that the actor climbed.

Buffet, Carzou, Menguy, Jansem, Bouyssou, Murayama, Hilaire and many other artists exhibited their works there.

One enters the castle by a staircase that leads to an iron-clad door whose tympanum is decorated with a bas-relief of the d'Estaing's fleur-de-lys coat of arms.

In the main courtyard, a Gothic chapel, also from the 15th century, is dedicated to Saint Blaise. The first floor comprises three large rooms whose decoration dates from the mid-19th century. The second floor houses annual exhibitions from mid-March to mid-October.


Musical entertainment is organised on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. in the courtyard of the castle in July-August.

The Château is open - from 15 June to 15 September every day from 10 am to 12.30 pm and from 2 pm to 6.30 pm with guided tours in the afternoons - from 1 April to 14 June and from 16 September to 14 October, from 10 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm, closed on Tuesdays - during the All Saints' Day, Christmas and February holidays, afternoons from 2 pm to 5.30 pm, closed on Tuesdays.


Val Castle

19110 Bort-les-Orgues/Lanobre

Tel: 04 71 40 30 20

Tel: 05 55 96 02 49






To go further....

Le Capitan

Le Capitan

Au début du 17e siècle, en France. Un cavalier s'élance et tombe comme la foudre au milieu des brigands épouvantés. Les rapières se croisent, les chevaux se cabrent, des hommes s'écroulent, d'autres s'enfuient. Alors, se découvrant d'un geste, le cavalier s'incline en souriant devant la frêle jeune fille qu'il vient d'arracher aux griffes des malfaiteurs. Capestang, jeune noble de province, vient de connaître sa première escarmouche et de rencontrer la délicieuse Gisèle d'Angoulême. Bientôt célèbre sous le nom Capitan, il devra déjouer de nombreuses intrigues, les complots de l'odieux Concini et sauver le jeune roi Louis XIII.
Jean Marais : Nez de Cuir, Gentilhomme d'amour + Le Capitan


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