The Château Henri IV

The Pays d'Albret is synonymous with good living, marked by the history of the future Henri IV.
Set in the historic town of Nérac, the château was built in the 15th century by Alain d'Albret le Grand, the great-great-grandfather of Henri IV.
The main residence of the future Henri IV and his wife Queen Margot from 1577 to 1582, it bears witness to the heyday of the d'Albret family and the Nérac court during the Renaissance.
At the time, the château consisted of four wings flanked by four corner towers.
A drawbridge gave access to the château's main entrance, which opened onto an inner courtyard with a passageway.
It formed a vast ensemble with the Jardins du Roy (pleasure gardens) and the Parc Royal de la Garenne.
Most of the château was dismantled during the French Revolution, and all that remains today is the remarkable north wing with its inner tower.


This wing, which housed the apartments of the Queen of Navarre, hosts the permanent exhibition "Le château de Nérac: de la saga des Albret aux origines d'Henri IV".
Collections from the 16th to the 19th centuries retrace the history of the château and its royal estate, and the saga of one of Aquitaine's most important families, the Albrets, whose history is undeniably linked to that of the château. The tour brings to life the spirit of the 16th-century court of Navarre, a multi-faceted court that was both political and religious, where the nobility displayed their art of living and refinement. From Henri de Navarre to Henri IV, the story of a king is retraced, a king of Navarre and then of France, whose image and legend would continue to evolve over the centuries...

On the first floor, the archaeology section presents the remains discovered in Albret from the Neolithic to the Gallo-Roman period.


The museum is currently closed until June 1, 2024.

Information by e-mail to

For group visits, please contact the Albret Tourist Office on 05 53 65 27 75 or by e-mail at


Château Henri IV
Rue Henri IV
47600 Nérac.
Tel.: 05 53 65 21 11


To go further....


Nérac et le Château Henri IV, des origines jusqu'à nos jours

Nérac et le Château Henri IV, depuis l'origine jusqu'à nos jours : monographie historique, archéologique et anecdotique / Marcel Durey ; préface de M. Marcel Prévost,.. ; orné de gravures hors texte et notamment d'un plan représentant la ville et le château tels qu'ils étaient au temps des rois de Navarre dressé par M. Picareau, dessinateur
Date de l'édition originale : 1926

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