Pioneers of l'Aéropostale...

Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Jean Mermoz, Didier Daurat - they all took off from Toulouse to carry the mail to Spain, Morocco, Senegal and South America.
Between 1927 and 1933, these men became legends.
At the risk of their lives, they had to transport the mail.
The first place of memory of these exploits is the former Montaudran airfield, which is now largely occupied by new buildings, despite the anger of committees defending the memory of these heroes.
Second stop on the pilgrimage: L'Hôtel du Grand Balcon.
Overlooking the Place du Capitole, it was here that all the teams involved in the Aéropostale epic used to stay.
The hotel has been completely renovated, with the exception of Saint-Exupéry's room, which remains unchanged.
Third stage: a square right next to the Jardin du Grand Rond, opposite the Natural History Museum.
In this garden, an original stele celebrates the postal workers of the 1930s, and Saint-Exupéry poses in front of a wrought-iron map of the world.


Le Grand Balcon Hotel
8, 10, rue Romiguières
31000 Toulouse
Tel.: 05 34 25 44 09

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To go further....

Aéropostale - Des Pilotes de légende Intégrale T01


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