The Abbey of La Sauve-Majeure, masterpiece of Romanesque art

30 minutes from Bordeaux, masterpiece of the Romanesque art of the XIIth century, registered in the world heritage of the UNESCO for the roads to Santiago de Compostela, the abbey of La Sauve-Majeure is a magnificent testimony of religious architecture having crossed the centuries.

It offers an open-air landscape on more than two hectares and presents superb sculpted decorations: fabulous animals, heroes, biblical stories are told on the capitals of the church and the chevet.

Between the Garonne and the Dordogne, in the Entre-Deux-Mers region, the abbey takes its name from the great forest, or "Silva Major", which characterized the surrounding landscape. It soon became the head of priories spread from England to Aragon, and then a stop on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

After the Revolution, it is only a ruin, certainly imposing, but exploited as a stone quarry.

Classified as a historical monument since 1840, it is used as a teacher training school before being acquired by the State in 1960.

La Sauve-Majeure is one of the most beautiful examples of Romanesque architecture and sculpture in the South-West. From its bell tower, it offers a unique point of view on the landscape of the Entre-Deux-Mers.

On an enchanting site, 3 hectares large, the ruins of the monastic buildings and the cloister adjoin an abbey church famous for its historiated capitals, which illustrate the sacred texts and the medieval imagination.
It has a very interesting lapidary museum.



All year round, visit the abbey freely with at your disposal :

A livret de visite téléchargeable, accompanying you step by step in your discovery;
The podcast « Le voyage d'une Bible , available in 5 episodes that will guide you in the footsteps of Aurelian, a monk who ended his days in the abbey after a journey that began in Mont-Saint-Michel;
A visit document available in French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese (accessible by clicking on the Download button in the document de visite).
Recommended duration of the visit : min. 1h


Abbey of la Sauve-Majeure

14, rue de l'Abbaye

33670 La Sauve

Tel : 5 56 23 01 55



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To go further....

L'Abbaye de La Sauve-Majeure

Sur la route de Saint-Jacques-de Compostelle, l'abbaye de La-Sauve-Majeure, fondée en 1079 par Gérard de Corbie, dresse ses ruines majestueuses au cour de l'Entre-deux-Mers. C'est ainsi que s'offre au regard des visiteurs l'un des plus beaux exemples d'architecture romane d'Aquitaine. Après avoir failli disparaître au lendemain de la Grande Guerre, le site, patiemment restauré, propose dorénavant une halte pleine de beauté et de sérénité.
Histoire de l'Abbaye de la Sauve-Majeure: Entre-deux-Mers 1683, Coffret 3 volumes

Trésors oubliés de l'abbaye de La Sauve-Majeure: Catalogue de l'exposition mise en place par le Centre des monuments nationaux à l'abbaye de La Sauve-Majeure

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