La Maison du Marais poitevin, to understand everything...

La Maison du Marais poitevin, located in Coulon, capital of the Marais poitevin.

It has become the must-see museum of the Marais Poitevin and is one of the most visited tourist sites in the department with 30,000 visitors per year.


The visit...

His visit aims to understand the Poitevin Marshes, its landscapes, their role, their history in particular.

Thus on 700 m², you will discover :

- The maraiscope: an audiovisual show, which allows you to understand all the stages of development of the Marais Poitevin.

- The boat room: how did we go from the batai, an agricultural tool essential to the life of the market gardener, to the tourist boat nowadays?
- The eel room: you will discover the surprising journey of the eel, but also the different fishing techniques used to trap it.
- The market garden interior: you will be able to imagine the life of the Fradin family. Through the furniture and objects you will discover the reconstruction of a habitat of the 1850s.
The Maison du Marais also offers guided discovery walks.

On the program, a commented walk or bike ride and even a boat ride, the ideal way to discover in one afternoon the fauna, the flora and the secrets of the Marais Poitevin.

A store offers a wide choice of handicrafts: pottery, wooden objects, wicker objects ..., as well as a bookstore where you can find many books on the Marais Poitevin: its fauna, its flora, its history, its tales and legends.

Are also presented the numerous gustatory specialities of the Marais Poitevin, angelica, mogettes, stuffed Poitevin, eel...

The large showroom of the Maison du Marais Poitevin comes alive every year and takes a special look at a theme of the Marais Poitevin...



House of the Marais poitevin

Place of Custom

79510 Coulon
Tel :







To go further....

Je Découvre le Marais Poitevin Nature Tradition et Histoire

Le Marais poitevin - Au fil de la Sèvre Niortaise

Le Marais poitevin : De Niort à l'océan par la Venise verte

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