Reading cabs

The phone booths are gone, the reading booths have arrived.

Amazing libraries, perhaps the smallest in the world, have appeared in several towns and villages in France.

Feel like reading?

Think of the reading booths installed in the Ramiers and Andromède parks in Blagnac.


The instructions for use?

Borrow a book, drop off another one.

You can give the book you've read to other readers or leave another book of your choice that you want to share with others.

"I love, I share", a popular expression.

The reading booth has 4 objectives: cultural, social, civic and ecological:

Cultural: it is accessible 24 hours a day, and brings a reading offer on the village. Everyone can discover books, subjects and authors that are not necessarily part of their usual choices.

Social: social link, free sharing space, everyone can deposit or borrow a book, freely, for free. No subscription is even required, which can encourage access to reading for people who do not necessarily go to libraries or bookshops.

Citizen: the notions of respect and sharing a common good create citizen values.

Ecological: Exchanging books rather than throwing them away is an ecological gesture.


Who would have thought that books would one day take the place of the telephone?


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