Patiras, the lighthouse island...

The Gironde Estuary, the largest in Europe, is home to a series of islands, including Patiras, which is visited every year by more than 15,000 visitors.

Situated not far from the village of Pauillac, Patiras Island is one of the favourite stopovers for lovers of the great outdoors.
According to the local archives, this island appeared in the 17th century and more precisely in 1625 during the reign of Louis XIII. Intended for crops, it also played the role of a health depot, where ships from the colonies would deposit sick sailors for a period of quarantine.
Covering an area of 350 hectares, the Isle of Patiras is mainly covered with corn and vines. Today, it is administered by the association "Refuge de Patiras" and the Conservatoire du littoral.

It is renowned for two atypical "treasures", the Refuge de Patiras and the old lighthouse of alignment.


The Lighthouse and the Refuge

The Patiras lighthouse has guided sailors for over 150 years.

Built under Napoleon III, in 1810, the lighthouse of Patiras, a 30m high monument with 122 steps, remained in operation until 1993.

Today restored by the Conservatoire du Littoral, it offers a unique panorama of the estuarine archipelago and the famous Médoc Grands Crus Classés castles and Vauban fortresses.

As for the Refuge, from May to October it offers astonishing gourmet stopovers for a day or a convivial evening.

It offers careful catering in an architectural setting that enhances the environment in which it is located.

From May to October, a commented tour on the Garonne River aboard a panoramic boat is proposed to discover the natural landscapes of the estuary during the stopover on the island of Pâtiras.

In July and August, "culs noirs" evenings are offered. After a commented walk on the water aboard a panoramic boat, dock on the island of Patiras for a dinner on a wood fire.

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