Entrevaux, privileged touristic site, a must see

Built around the 12th century along the Var river, halfway between Nice and Digne, Entrevaux is one of the most beautiful villages of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Former advanced military stronghold, as it was the border of the kingdom of France until 1860, Entrevaux has kept its fortified village dominated by its famous perched citadel.

To visit it, you will have to take the only access road, created by Vauban and walk only 800m of paved path, divided into 9 ramps and 156m of difference in height, (about 25 minutes walk).

The site built on a narrow rocky spur is simply extraordinary, offering beautiful views of the medieval village and all the surroundings and allowing you to imagine what life was like in this fortress with its old dungeons, its keep, its underground passages.


A rich historical heritage

Walking through the narrow streets, lined with tall houses of Entrevaux, you will discover the Royal Gate and its imposing drawbridge, the Italian Gate fortified by Vauban, the medieval shops, the communal bread oven, lit especially for the Bread Festival in May or during the European Heritage Days, the Vauban fortifications and its two bastions.

Not forgetting of course its Cathedral of Notre-Dame de l'Assomption, which is at the end of the village. Built in the 17th century with Gothic architecture, it has a sumptuous doorway, a baroque choir, richly decorated furniture, 17th century paintings, a silver-plated copper reliquary bust of Saint John the Baptist, and 1717 organs that are now listed. Without forgetting also its small squares and old fountains, balconies, old doors, fountains, a sundial from 1572, ...

You can also take a tour of the mills circuit marked out with points of interest which will make you discover two mills, one of them, for oil and flour, one of them, dating from the 18th century is still in activity, very rare in Provence. Both are open to the public.


Events, Pignes train, Motorcycle Museum...

Entrevaux is also famous for its exceptional medieval festivals that take place every odd year. The pilgrimage of St. John the Baptist sees the Saint carrying, as they have done for centuries, the reliquary bust of the Saint to the Chapel of the Desert. Accompanied by halberds and espontons, the bust of the saint is carried in procession to the chapel of Saint-Jean du Désert, 12km from Entrevaux on the GR4. This pilgrimage takes place at the end of June.

In mid-August, the Citadel is set ablaze during the Festi'Rock.

Entrevaux is also home to the Museum of Ancient Motorcycles as well as the Museum of the Powder, located in the old powder magazine at the bottom of the calade and which retraces the military history of the city.
The Museum of the Motorcycle offers a collection of almost eighty old motorcycles on the two floors, from floor to ceiling, of an old house in the heart of the village.
As for the Train des Pignes, a historic steam train, it crosses the line of the Provence Railways and allows you to rediscover the simple joys of the journeys of yesteryear, aboard passenger cars more than a hundred years old, towed by an authentic steam locomotive, and to cross the colorful landscapes of the hinterland of Nice and the Alpes de Haute-Provence.

This steam train runs on Sundays from May to October.


A terroir to be tasted
Entrevaux is famous for its Secca, dried beef created in Entrevaux, which can be eaten in many variations, either raw, seasoned with oil or with parmesan cheese, or hot Savoyard style.

Among the other famous local products, we can mention oil, honey, gingerbread and gingerbread from the orchard, especially those offered by La Pain d'Epicerie.


A legend that runs short
In 1953, a shrewd patron of a café declared that he owned a statue of Saint Anne with a bleeding finger. Pilgrims flocked in from all over the world to become his customers and assured him of his fortune. Unfortunately for him, he had to confess his deception and was condemned.



Tourist Information Office
Royal Gate of the Levis Bridge

BP 6904320

04320 Entrevaux

Phone : 04 93 05 46 73








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To go further....

Entrevaux en Provence

Le sanctuaire d'Entrevaux : Tome 3, Le Prieuré d'Entrevaux

Il existe, parait'il, au dessus d'un village médiéval nommé Entrevaux un domaine, un sanctuaire ou ne peuvent entrer que les Justes et les gentils. En ce lieux préservé, par un étrange hasard, Zacharie et Abigaîl trouve un refuge. Les découvertes qu'ils vont faire avec leurs amis vont leur donner la force et les armes pour affronter l'ange du mal Semyazaz.
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Pays d'Annot et d'Entrevaux : Les chemins de la découverte

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