The cassoulet war will not take place

There's no need to dig up the hatchet, the fight won't happen.
The war between the cassoulet of Castelnaudary, Carcassonne and Toulouse is an invention of journalists, all the specialists of the bean repeat it at length of interviews.
This one is going to put pork in it, like another one rind and the third one a little tomato.
Here cassoulet is a religion, but everyone has their own, the important thing is that the customer is happy.
The legend of cassoulet was born during the Hundred Years War.
Castelnaudary was under siege and all the inhabitants, hungry, pooled what little provisions they had left.
One of the beans, the other of bacon or pieces of goose.
The whole thing was heated in an earthenware container, the cassole.
The cassoulet was born.

To go further....

Cassoulet au Confit de Canard

Patrimoine Gourmand - Cassoulet De Castelnaudary Au Confit De Canard

MAISON RIVIERE Substituts de Viande Cassoulet de Castelnaudary a l'Oie

La Belle Chaurienne Cassoulet au Porc Cuisiné à la Graisse de Canard

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