Arnac-la-Poste, the honest village

Arnac-la-Poste is a French commune located in the department of Haute-Vienne in the New Aquitaine region. Its inhabitants are called the Arnacois.

It is only from 1700, when the Post Office in Arnac was added to the civil status registers because of the post office relay that was located there.

Arnac-la-Poste is located exactly halfway between Paris and Toulouse on the motorway, the sign indicating the exit to this commune being a landmark for those who are used to the route.

The town has one of the best examples of a fortified church in the north of the department, the church of Saint-Martial from the XIIe century fortified in the XVe century (Hundred Years War).

It has buttresses surmounted by cylindrical watchtowers and preserves an enamelled reliquary from the XIIth century. A square tower, equipped with crenellations and machicolations is the only witness of the existence of a wall which made the church a real fort.

In addition to the church, another remarkable monument, the remains of a feudal castle, a tower, which can be visited, is located in Lubignac in the commune of Arnac-la-Poste.

This tower is one of the rare vestiges of the Limousin region.

It is dated between the 14th and 15th centuries. Of round section, the interior has no more floors.

It is located in the southern part of the town and is interesting for its architecture.

It was built under John Barthon de Montbas.

The commune is also known for its burlesque name and as such is part of the association of the communes of France with burlesque and singing names.


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To go further....


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Arnac-la-Poste, the honest village

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