In Rocamadour, the Macaques are free

This Monkey Forest, of about 20 hectares, offers an exceptional immersion in the fascinating world of monkeys and in particular of 150 Barbary macaques, also called magots, in freedom.

During this visit you will be able to observe these animals very closely and they will not hesitate to come close to you to take in your hand the popcorn that you will offer him. This popcorn is offered to you at the entrance of the park.

The Monkey Forest is implementing a number of actions to contribute to the preservation of the species. First of all, it allows the public to be aware of the protection of the Barbary Macaque by presenting it in freedom in an environment close to its natural habitat.

Then, it develops an educational action through information panels and especially, thanks to the explanations given by guides specialists in this species and contributes to a better knowledge of the species through behavioral studies conducted in the parks. Finally, it maintains a valuable genetic reserve thanks to the populations present in the park and reinforces the wild populations by reintroducing entire groups of animals.

Since the creation of the park, nearly 600 monkeys from the different parks have been reintroduced in the Moroccan Middle Atlas. It takes about 1.5 hours to complete the 1.3 km long tour, where guides are available to answer your questions and explain the specific behaviors that occur before your eyes.


The Forest of the Monkeys


46500 Rocamadour

Tel : 05 65 33 62 72


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(free version)


Also to be seen in the department

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In Rocamadour, the Macaques are free

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