Château de Laréole, as in the days of the pasteliers...

Listed as a Monument Historique in 1927, this decaying Renaissance gem had gradually fallen into oblivion.
In 1984, the Conseil Général de la Haute-Garonne decided to acquire this endangered monument, in order to safeguard it and promote the department's heritage.
For the château bears witness to the rich era of Toulouse's pastel merchants, spanning the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Classical period.
The château is first and foremost the country residence of Pierre de Cheverry. Heir to a wealthy pastel merchant, Pierre de Cheverry, brother-in-law of Pierre Assézat, belonged to Toulouse's microcosm of pastel craftsmen.
In 1579, he commissioned the fashionable architect Dominique Bachelier to build the château, a clear sign of his social success.
Inside, don't miss the monumental fireplace in the reception room and the grand staircase, true masterpieces of elegant alternating brick and stone.
At the beginning of the 18th century, the Colomès family took over ownership of the property and laid out a formal garden decorated with neoclassical sculptures by Marc Arcis.

From May to September, free guided tours of the château's exteriors and upstairs rooms, galleries, park and inner courtyard are offered to individuals and groups, and at weekends, tours are led by Laréole's guides or on your own.

Concerts and exhibitions are held throughout the year.

Access to the château is free of charge.


Château de Laréole

31480 Laréole

Tel. 05 61 06 33 58



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Le château de Laréole

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