The Antique Car Collection of H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco

To mark the 90th anniversary of the birth of Grace Patricia Kelly, the prestigious Private Car Collection of H.S.H. the Prince of Monaco is highlighting some of the automobiles directly associated with the Princess.

Located on the Terrasses de Fontvieille, this rich exhibition brings together nearly one hundred automobiles of all ages, from some of Europe's and America's leading manufacturers, as well as six carriages belonging to H.S.H. Prince Rainier III of Monaco.
A car enthusiast, Prince Rainier III has built up a large personal collection of restored classic cars over a period of more than thirty years.
A large sample of some one hundred models built by the most illustrious European and American firms and which, in various ways, left their mark on their era.
Going back to the beginning of the century, and without mentioning them all, let's mention a 1903 De Dion Bouton, the oldest car in the Collection and the first acquired by Prince Rainier III, a 1911 Renault 12cv 4-cylinder Torpedo, a 1913 Panhard Levassor, a 1924 Ford T, a 1921 Peugeot Quadrilette, a 1928 Lincoln, a Citroën Kégresse, a 1930 Ford A, a 1928 Hispano Suiza, a 1934 Delage, a 1935 Packard.
We must also mention a fine collection of vehicles whose names and silhouettes remain linked to the history of the Second World War: Jeep, Ford, Dodge, GMC, not forgetting the “American belles” of the post-war period: Cadillac 1953, Chrysler Imperial of 1956--- and some of the most prestigious models designed by Maserati, Jaguar, Mercedes and Rolls Royce.
Horse-drawn carriages (sedans, horse-drawn carriages, coupés---) bearing the arms of Prince Charles III and Prince Albert I, Prince Louis II's Ford “hunting estate”, the “Florida” and the London cab used by Princess Grace add a more personal touch to the Collection.
The Collection is displayed on five levels in a layout designed by Prince Rainier III, in a specially designed hall overlooking the “Terrasses de Fontvieille” at the foot of the Rocher.

Also on display is the Floride presented to Princess Grace by Régie Renault.
It has only 6,000 kilometers on the clock.
The same Florida was given to Brigitte Bardot.


Open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Closed on December 25 and January 1.
Length of visit: 45 minutes.


Monaco Top Cars Collection

Les Terrasses de Fontvieille

MC 98000 Monaco

Tel.: 00 377 92 05 28 56


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