The cave of Trabuc, jewel of the Cevennes

Under the relief of the Cevennes mountains are hidden caves, of which the Trabuc cave is one of the most beautiful.
The cave of Trabuc is known since the highest antiquity, the man of Prehistory used it.
Later, the Huguenots used it as a hiding place.
With its seven rooms, its lake, its natural bridges and the mystery of the 100,000 soldiers, a phenomenon that is still unexplained, Trabuc draws you into the depths of the earth as it did in geological times.


The mystery of the 100,000 soldiers

"It is a unique phenomenon in the world. How did these figures of a few centimeters hanging on the floor of the room of the same name come to be? At a glance, one realizes that no stalactite, crack or drop of water appears on the ceiling. The gaze is focused on the basin, a real stone cradle, which welcomes the army. A closer look reveals that the figures are not made of clay but of calcite. Only a thin layer of clay covers them. It is in this large basin and on a layer of clay 2 or 3 cm thick that the army lies. We note that in view of their size, the figurines are formed in the drowned phase. How could the calcium carbonate salts dissolved in water have crystallized vertically and in a liquid medium? To date, no scientifically satisfactory answer has been given. The enigma of the 100,000 soldiers remains. "

Today, no less than 70,000 tourists visit this unmissable heritage of the Cevennes.
True enchantment of waters, lakes and waterfalls are in number in this cave.

Guided tour of one hour, on a course of 1,4 km.
Constant and mild temperature all year long.


Caves of Trabuc
30140 Mialet (by Anduze)
Tel : 04 66 85 03 28 and 04 68 26 14 20


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