The Festival de Tragos, the oldest open-air theater festival in Europe

Created 44 years ago, the oldest open-air theater festival in Europe takes place at the Ferme de Pardigon in Cavalaire-sur-Mer in July and August. This year it runs from until August 28, 2021.

In 2019, it had attracted more than 10,000 spectators who came to see the six shows per week offered during two months.


Many celebrities ...

And this festival has seen many celebrities pass:

Romain Bouteille (2002, 2003, 2010) ;
Les Bodin's (2003) ;
Richard Bohringer (2010, 2011, 2012) ;
Jean-Claude Drouot (2011) ;
BP Zoom (2012) ;
Patrick Hautecoeur (Co-author of the play "Thé à la menthe ou t'es citron");
Les Chiches Capons (2012, 2013, 2014, 2017);
Bruno Fontaine (Élias de Kelliwic'h in the series Kaameelot) ;
Vincent Rocca (Prix Raymond Devos 2011, Columnist for 11 years for the program "Le fou du roi" on France Inter) ;
Frédéric Blin (Estève, Raymond & Huguette's nephew, in the series Scènes de Ménage).
Each year, more than 50 performances are given during these two months by more than 30 amateur and professional companies and by the Compagnie de Tragos, organizer of the festival.


History of the Festival

1968 : creation of the Amateur Theatre Company : Les Tragos

1972: the theater in Cavalaire is destroyed to make way for a commercial building. The Tragos wandered from temporary halls to occasional stores and garages.

1975 : The Tragos discovered a disused farmhouse in a state of disrepair and gradually occupied it.

1976 : In a few months, the numerous volunteers of the association mobilized to make this building liveable by repairing and restoring the damage caused by abandonment.

1977 : they built a stage in clay in order to produce some animations during the summer.

1978: the Tragos built a more elaborate stage, installed a few spotlights and hosted two regional amateur theater companies for a weekend while they provided their own performances every weekend during the summer.

It is the 1st Pardigon Theatre Festival. 50 mismatched chairs, gleaned here and there. No parking: the first spectators park their cars behind the chairs. From then on, the municipality grants a subsidy of 10 000 Frs.

Then, from 1985 to 2007 - The Festival grows. It spreads over two months as it does today. The new municipality commits itself to a more important financial and material help.


In full development...

The Festival will lose its amateur identity by receiving more and more professionals, even if the linchpin (the Company of Tragos) remains under the noble name of amateur. Its technical equipment, with its permanent evolution, requires today the employment of two professional stage managers to answer the requirements of the invited companies.

The recognition of the work is felt with the appearance, these last years, of departmental then regional subsidies which oblige to more ambition as for the selection. The neighboring town of La Croix-Valmer also participates regularly.



Festival of the Tragos

Pardigon Theater Festival

Farm of Pardigon RD 559

83240 Cavalaire-sur-Mer


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