Also to be seen in the department

Le Petit Paris,

e Petit Paris, a visit to the capital where Notre-Dame remains intact

placeVaissac - Tarn-et-Garonne 
label Remarkable buildings Museums & Collections Amazing... isn't it? Castles & Monuments cities and villages  
Beaumont de Lomagne

Beaumont-de-Lomagne, an exemplary royal bastide

placeBeaumont-de-Lomagne – Tarn-&-Garonne 
label People from here Gastronomy [to eat] cities and villages  
Vaïssac - Hommage au Cèpe

Creation of a Municipal Commission for Cepes in the capital of ...Cepes

placeVaïssac – Tarn-et-Garonne
label Gastronomy [to eat] Amazing... isn't it? cities and villages  

La commune la plus incivique de France

placeBalignac - Tarn-et-Garonne 
label Records: The +'s and -'s  

Discover the regions of the Great South