Un Siècle de Roulotte : the trailer of the movie " Chocolat " with Omar Sy and many others...

Since the opening of his trailer museum on the heights of St-Quentin-la-Poterie ten years ago, Pierre Le Fur has hosted seven film shoots.

One of the most seen is the movie "Chocolat" with Omar Sy.

In fact, several trailers were used for the shooting.

The mobile homes were transported on a carrier to Theuville in the Val d'Oise, where the film was shot.

One of them will never come back. She will definitely seduce Omar Sy and will rest in his country house

Before "Chocolat" Tony Gatlif, Olivier Marchal and Woody Allen had been there.

Twelve trailers of different styles and periods, decorated with shaded garden tables.

One finds there a bit of the convivial atmosphere of the travellers.

At the origin, a story, a passion, chance...

The creator of the museum, Pierre Le Fur, explains: "It all started when my father - deported - was hosted by Gypsies. I lived with them. Then when I bought my house in Uzès, I found four abandoned trailers that I bought.

Hosting movies has almost become a full-time activity for the owner. However, he doesn't seem to be attracted by its lucrative side.

The rental costs between 200 and 500 euros per day.


Rebirth of the trailers

Un siècle de Roulottes is the only museum of trailers in France, there are only four in the world.

It is the most representative of the diversity of this nomadic habitat. Less than 2000 trailers are still on their wheels and it is a real heritage in perdition. Their restoration requires many hours of meticulous work and a lot of research to bring them back to life as close as possible to what they once were.

Here are the trailers that have been restored at Un Siècle de Roulotte, some of which are now back on the road!

o Garden caravan : a caravan a little different from the rest of the family

o Chocolat caravan : a real movie caravan dedicated to Omar Sy

o Apple caravan : a "Payou" caravan

o Cinémanouche caravan : more like a "fairground trade", a mobile store

o Elvis trailer : the American of the siblings

o Esmeralda caravan : a very small caravan of the Budapest circus

o roulotte Cirque : a small circus roulotte from Arles in the 70s

o Latcho Drom caravan : one, if not the last caravan with a side door from the 19th century

o Liberté caravan : the most famous of the museum

o Lou caravan : the longest one

o Margotte caravan : designed and made in kit

o Nina caravan : it belonged to the Reinhardt family

o Queenie caravan : or Queenie little queen

o roulotte Sara : the Rolls of the French roulottes

o roulotte Swing : the German of the museum

o Trottinette caravan : the caravan of a fairground owner

o Verdine caravan : the last Lasneau caravan



A Century of Trailers

Chemin de Roquesis,

30700 Saint-Quentin-la-Poterie

Tel : 06 21 54 34 51






Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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To go further....


Une chronique romancée avec bien des rebondissements, de la vie d'une "Tribu" de Gitans dans la première moitié du XXème siècle en errance choisie, dans plusieurs pays d'une Europe ravagée par deux guerresUne peinture plutôt optimiste de l'existence précaire de ces" Marginaux" souvent au grand coeur qui ne demandent que la liberté d'être justement libres.Le rappel de ces artisans itinérants aux talents nombreux bien que souvent méconnus qui ont quasiment disparus de nos campagnes pour s'entasser sans espoir mais encore libres, avec des caravanes plus ou moins luxueuses dans des bidonvilles urbains; En arrière plan, comme à regret, "l' aveu" de l'amoralité de certains, mais l'affirmation que ces quelques brebis galeuses ne contaminent pas la majorité qui a plutôt une existence digne.Une lecture pour un grand moment de vie avec, sans intention, une leçon de vie, de gens qui ne savent rien de leur lendemain.

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