Vézénobres, medieval village of character

"Vézénobres is one of the most spectacular perched villages in the south of France.

At the crossroads of the Cevennes and Provence, it benefits from a privileged situation which made it a major stage on a Roman road, the Régordane road, then on a medieval road linking the Mediterranean coast to the north of the Massif Central. It was inhabited successively by Ligurians, Celts, Volces and Romans.

Oppidum in the antiquity, fortress then, Vézénobres benefits from a demographic and economic boom in the 11th and 12th centuries then the wars of religion against the Camisards will rage in a very violent way in the region and will modify the village in the 17th century.

A history that can be found in the city with the Rue des Maisons Romanes, the 13th century Sabran Gate, the vaulted passages, the narrow paved streets, the Grand'Rue...

One should not forget to visit the Renaissance Montfaucon Hotel, known as the "House of Adam and Eve" and the Girard castle. We must also mention the castle of Bernis-Calvière which is not vitiated today and the Fay-Peraut castle of which only a 30m high wall remains...

Vézénobres was also famous for its production of dried figs. This richness has generated quality residences as well as a Conservatory Orchard of the Fig Tree which hosts a thousand trees representing more than 100 different varieties, planted in 2000, 2004 and 2006 under the auspices of the National Botanical Conservatory located on the island of Porquerolles.

Every year, at the end of October, Vézénobres celebrates the Mediterranean Fig Days.


Town hall of Vézénobres

Place de la Mairie

20360 Vézénobres

Tel : 04 66 93 51 26



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To go further....


Chronologie des seigneurs de Vezenobre de 1240 à 1789

Causses et Cévennes. N°4 - 91ème année, Tome XV : Les Chemins de Vézénobre - Le Marquis Charles-François de Calvière - Jean Cavalier à Vézénobres

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