The Castle of King René de Tarascon, one of the most beautiful medieval castles in France and Europe

The Castle of King René de Tarascon is considered to be one of the most beautiful medieval castles in France and Europe.

Remarkably preserved, it was built at the beginning of the 15th century, on a 45m high rock, by the Princes of Anjou on the architectural model of the Bastille.

On the death of Charles of Maine, heir of King René, the county of Provence was ceded to Louis XI, King of France. The fortress then lost its strategic interest.

In 1652, the castle was attacked by the "Fronde des Princes", its walls still bearing the impacts of cannon balls.

From the 18th century until 1926, the castle became a state prison, many graffiti found in many rooms of the castle, then transformed into dungeons testify to this period.


To see

The outbuildings now house the apothecary of the former Tarascon hospital, where an exceptional collection of cannon pots, goats and urns can be admired in an 18th century library.

"The seigneurial dwelling has a 4m thick wall, flanked by two round towers to the east and two square towers to the west on the Rhône side. In its centre is the Cour d'Honneur, whose elegant architecture contrasts with the austere facade of the Château.
Screwed staircases, one of which is integrated into a projecting turret, serve the three floors of the Château.

From the main courtyard you can access the Great Gallery with its rib vault, the Chapel Tower, composed of the lower chapel and the Chantres Chapel, and the Feast Room on the Rhône side.

Many rooms have "French-style" ceilings and are adorned with closoirs, painted wooden planks placed obliquely between the joists of the frameworks, decorated with real or imaginary animals, scenes of life, or transgressive scenes.
Others have remarkable vaults with crossed ribs".

Classified as a historical monument in 1840, the Château was bought by the State, which will continue its restoration.

It has been the property of the city of Tarascon since January 1st 2008.


The castle of Tarascon puts at your disposal a booklet to help you visit.

Guided tours are also available.




Castle of King René de Tarascon

5 Boulevard du Roi René,

13150 Tarascon

Tel: 04 90 91 01 93

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To go further....

Le Chateau du roi René à Tarascon

Sentinelle accrochée aux rives rocheuses du Rhône, le château de Tarascon a surveillé, pendant des siècles, les confins du comté de Provence, face aux terres des comtes de Toulouse puis des rois de France. Les Provençaux ont sans doute tôt reconnu la valeur stratégique de cette puissante assise de pierres avancée dans le fleuve et gardant, dès l'Antiquité, une commode traversée. À la poursuite de l'évanescente couronne de Naples et de Sicile, les ducs d'Anjou ont réussi à s'assurer durablement le comté de Provence. Comme les châteaux d'Angers et de Saumur dans leurs domaines de la Loire, Tarascon marque dans la pierre l'enracinement de ces ambitieux Valois dans les terres du Midi. Il s'impose comme l'un des plus illustres monuments de la vallée du Rhône, à l'instar du palais des papes en Avignon, des forteresses de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon ou de la tour de Constance à Aigues-Mortes. Ses appartements, bien conservés et adroitement restaurés, reflètent encore la vie quotidienne, le décor intime et les goûts de son hôte le plus célèbre, le roi René.
La Provence au temps du roi René : Château de Tarascon,

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