The Truffle and Wine Museum of Richerenches, capital of the "Tuber Melanosporum"

Capital of the famous mushroom, the "Tuber Melanosporum", the name given to the black truffle, Richerenches had to offer a museum dedicated to this gastronomic wealth.

Installed in the superb 12th century Commandery of the Templars, this museum in fact presents the two symbols of the village, viticulture and truffle growing.


The Truffle and Wine Museum

- A collection of tools and objects tell you about the cultivation of the vine and wine and the truffle harvest.

- Photographs, films and terminals to consult allow you to better understand the mysterious world of the truffle by revealing some of its secrets.
- By combining truffle and wine, gastronomy invites you to its table with the great chefs and their best recipes.

Once the harvest is done and the grapes pressed, the truffle harvest begins,
called "rabasse."

From the "Ban de la Truffe", proclaimed and the mass said, the village becomes all winter long the Mecca of the "black diamond", with in particular, the weekly truffle market from Saturday morning from mid-November to mid-March which is the most important in Europe.

The "Ban des Truffes", the official inauguration of the market by the members of the Black Diamond Brotherhood and Gastronomy, offers exhibitions, conferences, demonstrations of truffle digging, tasting of truffle omelettes organized by the tourist office of Richerenches.


The Mass of Saint-Antoine

Great moment of the season, the church of Richerenches welcomes the faithful for Saint-Antoine's Day, the 3rd Sunday of January, in the presence of the members of the Black Truffle, black cape, in saltire, the yellow ribbon in the center of which are brought back two black edging with obviously the medal of the "Order of the Black Diamond Brotherhood".
During this exceptional mass, the baskets are filled with truffles, an offering as if to assure the good graces of heaven for the next harvests. The weighing and the public auction give rise to a new ceremony.
Everyone can acquire their truffles there while participating in the spontaneous impetus of the village, thus offering their parish the possibility of continuing to renovate their church and to support



The Museum has been entirely refurbished in the Commandery of the Templars, next to the Tourist Office and is open all year round during the opening hours of the Richerences Tourist Office.

Free entrance, free visit.



Truffle and Wine Museum

Place Hugues de Bourbouton
84600 Richerenches

Tel: 04 90 28 05 34




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To go further....

La truffe des copains : Richerenches

Chère la truffe ? Bien sûr que le kilo est cher ! Pourtant, lorsqu'on sait que quelques grammes suffisent pour rendre un plat inoubliable, à cinq ou dix euros par personne elle devient nettement plus abordable ! Nous sommes donc allés demander à quelques dizaines de spécialistes de la truffe de nous livrer leur recette, du jeune chef prometteur au cuisinier tête d'affiche, du vigneron aux vins parfaitement en accord avec la truffe au gourmet des plus exigeants. Leur point commun ? Ils sont tous amoureux de la perle noire de Richerenches, la Tuber Melanosporum, la plus subtile, la plus parfumée et aussi l'un des champignons les plus rares. C'est autour de Richerenches, cité Templière de l'Enclave des Papes, dans le Vaucluse, que se trouve la plus importante production de truffes de France. Son marché de novembre à mars est connu du monde entier. Découvrez les plats contenus dans cet ouvrage et vous pourrez offrir ce luxe à vos copains sans casser votre tirelire ! Encore une chose : on reverse 2 euros aux Restaurants du Coeur sur la vente de ce livre, histoire que le plaisir descende un peu. Pour partager un moment de bonheur. Un truc de copains, quoi
Cartulaire de la Commanderie de Richerenches de l'Ordre du Temple 1136-1214

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