Charles Trénet comes back to life on a motorway area

The highways between Toulouse-Narbonne and Perpignan are very musical. On the A 61 motorway, near Narbonne, Francis Cabrel celebrates the giant statues of the Cathar knights, on the A 9, at Loupian, it is Geoges Brassens who is in the spotlight, and here a magnificent bronze statue of Charles Trenet has been inaugurated by Vinci Autoroutes on the rest area of the Narbonne-Vinassan Sud motorway, in the direction Montpellier-Spain.

Made by Pascale and Thierry Delorme, this statue pays homage to the man who, originally from Narbonne, was nicknamed "the Singing Madman".

The works of sculptors Pascale and Thierry Delorme, arranged along an artistic path, invite day-trippers to walk through the life and work of the "Singing Madman".

Visitors enter Charles Trenet's enchanted universe as soon as they enter the route, which is marked out by sculpted plaques that retrace his history and stage his songs.

Poet, singer, actor, painter, the author of "Y'a de la joie" and "Boum" was a multifaceted artist whose work celebrates the joy of traveling on the "great road to freedom".

Thousands of travellers will now be able to take the "Route nationale 7" towards the sea - songs whose lyrics run through the site - via the Narbonne-Vinassan Sud area.

If the A9 had existed in its time, Trenet would have gladly sung the sequel to his hit "Route nationale 7"!

The installation, directly inspired by the song "The Extraordinary Garden", features a bronze statue of Charles Trenet, smiling with his famous soft hat and his finger raised.

Next to the statue, stone benches welcome walkers who wish to take a singing break in the company of the artist. In addition, small metal sculptures on pedestals represent different moments in the singer's life.

Charles Trenet was born in Narbonne on 18 May 1913.

His birthplace is to be discovered in Narbonne.

Today it is possible to visit the house where the author of "Douce France" spent his entire childhood.

Situated at n°13 Avenue Charles-Trenet, this "house with green shutters" awaits the visitor.


Tel: 04 68 58 19 13.



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