The Planet of the Crocodiles, unforgettable face to face

Crocodiles, turtles, monitor lizards, chameleons, piranha, birds... so many animals that you can meet in the tropical universe of the Planet of the Crocodiles.
Among the different species of crocodiles, you will discover the smallest crocodile and the biggest reptile in the world, the marine crocodile, 1 ton and 7 to 8m long.
During the different animations, you will be able to see this large predator jumping one or two meters out of the water to catch its food.
Different viewpoints allow you to discover the animals without glass or fences, as if you were in their environment.
After visiting the nursery where the crocodiles are born, the panoramic terrace allows you to overlook the different geographical areas. It allows you to discover each species along the pathways equipped with caves or suspension bridges.

It is through a universe of exuberant tropical plants and colored flowers that you will be able to admire Alligators of China and Mississippi, crocodiles of the Nile, Faux-gavials...
The day is punctuated with different animations where the crocodiles are fed as you have never seen.
And to finish, meeting with the mascot, a three years old white alligator. This alligator, very rare in captivity, answers to the name of "Dundee", was born in captivity in the United States in 2012 and is present at La Planète des Crocodiles since 2014.


La Planète des Crocodiles
Route du Fond d'Orveau

86320 Civaux
Tel : 05 49 91 80 00



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