Oniria, much more than an aquarium!

Inaugurated on July 9, 2021, Oniria is a new generation aquarium that offers an immersive journey to the heart of the water world.

Its particularity is to be organized in thematic universes covering the water cycle in the Eastern Pyrenees: from the mountain fish of the Canigou to the fish of the Mediterranean Sea.

Oniria is an aquarium that will amaze children and parents by the richness of its fauna and its environment especially highlighted here.

It allows to understand all the secrets of the metamorphosis of water.
Following a fun and interactive path, you will slip into the skin of a drop that will take 1000 years to complete its world tour. And it is by contemplating the path of this molecule in all its physical states (water, ice, steam...), that Oniria allows you to explore many planetary ecosystems but not only!
Corals, invertebrates, tropical fish, sharks... Oniria is shaped by 83 tanks of all sizes. The site, dedicated to education and entertainment, offers unique virtual and poly-sensory experiences making the immersion in the different environments even more realistic.
Sensation" rooms, holograms and virtual sea monsters will also cross your path.



2, Boulevard de la Jetée,

66140 Canet en Roussillon
Tel: 04 68 86 72 92





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