Monestiés, museum village

Listed among the most beautiful villages in France, Monestiés is a medieval citadel of character that some have even called a museum town. Its existence would go back to 936, date of the first mention of the village.

Indeed, the town preserves many testimonies of its rich past such as the remains of medieval fortifications, half-timbered and corbelled houses, the Griffoul fountain, a covered square, a 12th century bridge that the pilgrims of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle used to cross.

Monestiés is home to many cultural and heritage treasures such as the Saint-Jacques chapel and its set of 20 15th century Gothic statues, listed as Historic Monuments. Commissioned by Louis I of Amboise, bishop of Albi, this work is unique in Europe. Made of polychrome limestone, these statues represent three scenes from the Passion of Christ.

Picturesque is the church of Saint-Pierre, a small Romanesque building transformed in 1550 into a southern Gothic ensemble and around which the village was built .

Also worth seeing is a seigneurial house which houses the Bajen Vega museum, a Spanish painting museum with works by exiled artists, Francisco Bajèn "the painter of silence" and Martine Vega "the tamer of colours", a restored mill in a large exhibition hall .

And then, you have to stroll along the alleys, on the banks of the Cérou...

In summer, the village becomes a city of arts with the reception and exhibition of works by artists from all walks of life.



Tourist Office of Segala tarnais

Monestiés' office,

Place de la mairie,

81640 Monestiés

Tel: 05 63 76 19 17


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To go further....


Bajén ou la poésie du silence/Tarn/Monestiés/Martine Vega/Albi

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