he Royal Bastide of Domme with its unique architectural heritage

From the top of its rocky peak, the medieval town of Domme, nicknamed the Acropolis of the Prérigord, dominates the Dordogne valley, offering exceptional panoramic views.

Domme was built in 1281 by Philippe III le Hardi during the crusade against the Albigensians, and has had a tumultuous history, having to defend itself against multiple invaders.

In 1307, during the trial of the Knights Templar, it became the site of their imprisonment in the Porte des Tours, one of the jewels of the Périgord region.

Domme has preserved written traces of this period, in the form of graffiti made by the Knights Templar themselves on the walls of their prison.

Seven different paintings were engraved, all linked to religious iconography and all of which retain their mystery to this day.

Domme's history was then shaped by the Hundred Years' War, when it passed into English hands and then back into French possession.

During the Wars of Religion, it was taken in turn by the Protestants, then retaken by the Catholics.

Finally, in 1594 and 1637, the town had to contend with "jacqueries de croquants".

The well-preserved medieval town features ramparts, fortified gates (Porte de la Combe, Porte del Bos, Porte des Tours), the mint house, the consuls' house, the bishop's house, the old market hall and the Governor's mansion.

Also worth a visit are the two squares, Place de la Halle, where trade took place, and Place de la Rodes, where the wheel was used for torture.

And don't forget to visit the Grotte de Domme and the Oustal du Périgord - Musée d'Arts et Traditions populaires.

Domme is a member of the association "Le plus beaux villages de France".

A little train, the Domme Express, will take you on a ride through the narrow streets of this town.



Pole Tourisme de Domme

9 Place de la Halle

24250 Domme

Tel.: 05 53 31 71 00





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To go further....

Histoire de Domme

Vous souhaitez acheter ce livre sur l'histoire de Domme ?

Domme en Périgord. Histoire de la Ville et du Chateau

Vous souhaitez acheter ce livre sur Domme en périgord ?

Sélection sur Domme

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