Richerenches and the treasure of the enclave of the Popes

Richerenches is one of the four communes of the Vaucluse, located in the enclave of the Popes, in the Drôme, more precisely between the Comtat Venaissin and the Drôme provençale. Richerenches has the peculiarity of being surrounded by four rivers which bring it a most pleasant coolness in summer. Richerenches has within its walls the key to the treasure of the Enclave of the Popes: that of the Templars.


A bit of History

In 1136, the Commandery of the Templars was erected, which was powerful and undertook many works including the construction of a Templar farm, a chapel and the draining of the marshes. The fortified house, the chevet of the parish church and the western gate of the enclosure are to this day the only witnesses of the Templar establishment which was at the origin of the village of Richerenches. This one is nowadays characterized by its 16th-century rampart, square in plan and equipped with corner towers, particularly well preserved. Located to the north of the church, the Templar House is a monumental and fortified construction, well preserved, which still develops over a length of 32 m for a width of 11 m and an elevation of 11 m. The building, classified as a Historic Monument since 1984 and long disused, was the subject of a restoration campaign in 2006-2008. The village was pillaged by brigands, destroyed by religious wars and then abandoned. The time of reconstruction came in 1502 thanks to a few families.


Stud farm, Truffles and flowers

The Commanderie was also the first stud farm in France and provided the horses for the crusades, incomparable for those who were destriers with the size and strength required to support the weight of the knight's arms and the harshness of the shocks. Sheep farms produced the wool for the weaving of the knights' white coats. The "Tuber Melanosporum" made Richerenches its stronghold. The culture, the harvest, the traditions and the customs around the black diamond are strongly celebrated today. The black diamond is honoured throughout the seasons at the Richerenches truffle market, the largest truffle market in Europe. It takes place every Saturday morning from mid November to mid March on the Cours du Mistral and the Avenue de la Rabasse. In Richerenches, it is imperative to visit the Truffle and Wine Museum. Finally, every first Sunday of May, the village celebrates and honours the Flower Festival.


To see around Richerenches :

Visan : A village with a rich and ancient history,

Valréas and Grillon: two very pretty villages to visit also located in the enclave of the Popes.

Grignan : for its famous castle

Suze la Rousse : visit its castle and the Wine University


Tourist Office

Place Hugues de Bourbouton,

84600 Richerenches

Tel: 04 90 28 05 34


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To go further....

La truffe des copains : Richerenches

Chère la truffe ? Bien sûr que le kilo est cher ! Pourtant, lorsqu'on sait que quelques grammes suffisent pour rendre un plat inoubliable, à cinq ou dix euros par personne elle devient nettement plus abordable ! Nous sommes donc allés demander à quelques dizaines de spécialistes de la truffe de nous livrer leur recette, du jeune chef prometteur au cuisinier tête d'affiche, du vigneron aux vins parfaitement en accord avec la truffe au gourmet des plus exigeants. Leur point commun ? Ils sont tous amoureux de la perle noire de Richerenches, la Tuber Melanosporum, la plus subtile, la plus parfumée et aussi l'un des champignons les plus rares. C'est autour de Richerenches, cité Templière de l'Enclave des Papes, dans le Vaucluse, que se trouve la plus importante production de truffes de France. Son marché de novembre à mars est connu du monde entier. Découvrez les plats contenus dans cet ouvrage et vous pourrez offrir ce luxe à vos copains sans casser votre tirelire ! Encore une chose : on reverse 2 euros aux Restaurants du Coeur sur la vente de ce livre, histoire que le plaisir descende un peu. Pour partager un moment de bonheur. Un truc de copains, quoi
Cartulaire de la Commanderie de Richerenches de l'Ordre du Temple 1136-1214

Valréas et l'Enclave des Papes

Entre Provence et Dauphiné, la ville de Valréas et les trois localités avoisinantes, Grillon, Richerenches et Visan, ont formé pendant plus de quatre siècles un territoire qui fut propriété des papes au coeur même du royaume de France. L'originalité de cette « Enclave des Papes » vauclusienne en terre drômoise est de s'être perpétuée administrativement jusqu'à nos jours. De son passé pontifical, l'Enclave a conservé un riche patrimoine : fortifications, église romane, château du XVIIe siècle, chapelles, hôtels particuliers… Au cours des deux derniers siècles, la région a connu un brillant essor industriel, du cartonnage de luxe à l'imprimerie, ainsi qu'une réelle prospérité agricole avec les vers à soie, les côtes-du-rhône, sans oublier les truffes et les plantes à parfum. Henri Veyradier, historien local et ardent défenseur du patrimoine, souhaite, à partir de cartes postales anciennes, restituer la vie des Valréassiens des années 1900, que notre XXe siècle a sérieusement bouleversée.

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